As medical understanding of the human body grows, it becomes increasingly apparent that it is a deeply complex system with surprising connections. Treating each concern in isolation has been a conceit practiced by medicine for many years, but that’s quickly beginning to change. In some of the latest research being done into the study of our body systems, a connection has been revealed between advanced periodontal disease and certain forms of cancer.
Our Body Is A Complex Collection Of Connected Systems That Affect One Another
The least dangerous and most treatable form of gum disease is known as gingivitis. This condition is caused by the growth of plaque and tartar on the teeth that remains unchecked. This leads to our gums becoming inflamed and tender, appearing red and puffy, and often bleeding after brushing. More concerning is periodontal disease, the result of advanced gum disease that has grown below the gumline. The latest evidence indicates that those suffering from this form of gum disease are at advanced risk for:
In a study focusing on women with periodontal disease, higher levels of breast cancer were also observed. This kind of research continues to reinforce the idea that we must consider the consequences of any health concern on our entire bodies, not just the affected area.
Complications With Heart Disease, Diabetes, and Other ailments Are Linked To Poor Oral Health.
The first thing anyone can do to help avoid health complications related to periodontal disease is maintaining a consist ent oral hygiene regimen that includes bi-annual visits to your dentist for a cleaning. Once periodontal disease has set in, it’s critical that you arrange a visit with your dentist for deep periodontal cleaning as soon as possible. This process involves root scaling and planing, a process that eliminates the presence of plaque and tartar below the gumline and smooths the surface of the root. This last step helps lower the risk of plaque and tartar reappearing while aiding the gums in reconnecting to the teeth, eliminating gum pocketing.
Once you’ve received this cleaning, it’s essential that you return to an oral health regimen consisting of twice a day, brushing, flossing, and mouthwash use. You should also schedule your next visit to the dentist for regular cleaning to help eliminate stubborn plaque and tartar unaffected by your routine. In addition, be sure that your dentist has the most up to date dental and medical records to ensure that they have a full understanding of your health. This same step can be done with your medical professional by updating them with your dental records. Getting the best results from your medical care requires good communication, so speak freely with both about any extant health concerns.
The holy grail of dentistry has never been the discovery of better ways to repair damage to patients’ teeth caused by trauma or decay. Rather it has been to find a way to prevent the development of cavities and the occurrence of damage, to begin with. While every new advance that can reverse damage is celebrated, it’s the discoveries that produce hope that cavities can be eliminated entirely that bring the greatest shouts of excitement. Recent developments have shown that this holy grail may not be a pipe dream and that the elimination of decay and gum disease may be an achievable goal.
Not yet, unfortunately, but there are possibilities on the table that may reveal the way ahead. The first thing to understand about the complexity of this goal is that our mouths are full of healthy bacteria alongside those responsible for plaque. Presently any technique used to eliminate the bad bacteria is going to take the good bacteria along with it. This is far from ideal and can actually lead to conditions like thrush.
With 700 species of bacteria in our mouth, some of which we rely on for optimum health, how is it possible to only eliminate those that are problematic and cause decay? Or is this even necessary? Could there be a way to prevent cavities without having to eliminate the responsible bacteria?
Research done by a team led by Dr. Pesavento revealed that there was a way to prevent the growth of plaque and the advancement of decay without directly attacking the responsible bacteria. The technique created an environment in which biofilm growth was significantly reduced by using a cerium oxide nanoparticle solution. Silver nitrate was a previous candidate for this kind of approach, but it simply wasn’t effective enough to be used as a meaningful deterrent to dental decay. The 40% reduction in biofilm production using the cerium oxide nanoparticle solution indicates that greater achievements may be possible. While it hasn’t yet entered the mainstream marketplace as a dental treatment solution, research continues to improve and explain the found results.
Another innovation that has provided hope for orthodontic patients is a special form of cement for holding braces to the teeth. This adhesive has inherent anti-bacterial properties and releases a substance that actually helps reinforce the basic structures of your teeth. Like the solution mentioned above, it won’t completely eliminate your risk of dental decay, but it’s an important weapon in your dentist’s arsenal.
Until more technology like this becomes refined enough to enter the mainstream, and complete elimination of dental decay is possible, dental hygiene remains the most effective way of protecting your teeth. This includes regular trips to see your dentist for check-ups, daily brushing and flossing, and using mouthwash to round it all out. Want more tips? Call Dr. Jonathan McCartney at McCartney Dental in North Port, FL, and schedule an appointment. We’ll make sure you’re getting the dental care you need to maintain a beautiful smile for a lifetime.
Over the past century or more, it has become very clear that the impact humans make on our environment has the potential to lead to devastating consequences for everyone. People everywhere have begun to realize this, and many are taking whatever steps they can to produce a smaller footprint they leave on the planet. Dental care may not be an obvious choice of where to start, but the fact of the matter is that dental products are leaving an increasingly large impact on the health of our planet. Dental technology continues to provide alternatives in areas such as imaging, where physical x-ray films have been eliminated in favor of digital renderings. We’re here to help you learn what you can do at home.
With the sheer amount of plastic products that are used in dental products, from toothpaste containers and floss rolls to the material our toothbrushes are made out of, it should come as no surprise that they make a profound impact on the health of our planet. Years ago the beaches of Hawaii were completely free of discarded toothbrushes. Since the introduction of the plastic toothbrush in the 1930s, the number of toothbrushes that appear as detritus on the beach has risen to nearly a hundred every time a beach clean-up crew goes through.
This introduction of plastic toothbrushes led to the elimination of most dental products that were made of natural products like wood and animal fiber bristles. This introduction was only the beginning; as more and more products continue to appear on the dental aisle that are made of plastic, we’ll continue to see more of them on our beaches, waterways, and landfills.
With so many dental products containing toothbrushes and natural material toothbrushes being difficult to find, it can be tricky to find sustainable choices. Also, choices that may seem sustainable on the surface may, in fact, be worse for the environment than the plastic alternative. Two examples of products that seem like alternative options are listed below:
• Bamboo Handles – On the surface, these seem like an excellent alternative to plastic toothbrushes. The handles are made from farmed bamboo, and the bristles tend to be made of natural materials as well. Unfortunately, the amount of water and arable land required to make these and dispose of them are significant.
• Electric Toothbrushes – These are a great solution for oral health and have been shown to produce great results. Unfortunately, the disposable plastic head actually generates more dental waste than it prevents, and the batteries in old units need to be disposed of carefully. Not a great alternative.
Research into the most sustainable form of the toothbrush has produced somewhat surprising results. The lamented plastic toothbrush is far superior to any natural option out on the market today. This surprising statement comes with some qualifiers, however. In order to be a sustainable option, the plastic toothbrush must be recycled conscientiously.
Looking to make more changes in your dental hygiene routine that will promote oral health while being environmentally responsible? You can come into McCartney Dental in North Port, FL, to get advice from Dr. Jonathan McCartney today! We’re always available for our patients, current, and future.
As the outermost layer of our teeth, healthy enamel is essential for protecting our sensitive inner teeth and keeping our smile looking great. As enamel doesn’t contain living cells, it’s even more essential that we take proper care of it as it cannot heal on its own. Contrary to popular belief, however, minimal damage to the enamel can be repaired. Enamel that has been weakened by acid can be strengthened through a process called remineralization. This process can be encouraged through proper dietary changes and consistent oral hygiene practices.
There’s a lot of reasons that enamel can be lost, with the most common one being poor dental hygiene and acid from the resultant bacteria. Some foods and drinks also contain high levels of acid that can accelerate the decay of dental enamel if proper hygiene isn’t kept up. Even without these, the normal daily wear and tear our teeth experience from eating and talking can play a role in the loss of enamel.
It’s possible to lose a small amount of enamel without actually noticing the problem. As you continue to lose enamel, however, it will begin to become incredibly apparent that it’s happening. There are a few noticeable signs you can watch out for that will warn you that enamel loss is happening, and it’s past time to do something about it.
Enamel loss is generally a gradual process, and if caught early enough, you may be able to stop, slow, or reverse the advance through remineralization.
As acid and erosion wear away at the enamel on our teeth, there is a process fighting to hold back the tide of loss. This process is known as remineralization and is, in part, driven by your saliva. Saliva contains minute amounts of phosphate and calcium and is capable of reversing minute amounts of damage done to your teeth. You can help in this process in a number of ways, starting with increasing your water consumption as it helps to neutralize acids, boost saliva production, and rinse away debris. You can also chew sugar-free gum after you eat. Gum serves to boost saliva production but also helps pull away debris in your teeth and clean away plaque. It’s not a replacement for brushing, but a great supplement.
Want to learn more about what you can do to protect and restore your enamel? Dr. Jonathan McCartney is proud to provide dental health care from his offices in North Port, FL. McCartney dental serves its community with pride, showing a dedication to exceptional dental care and patient education. Learning proper care for your teeth is an essential part of maintaining a life with a beautiful, functional, pain-free smile. If you’re prepared to take control of your dental health, reach out to our offices for an appointment today!
Orthodontics and dentistry have taken long strides to improve the health and alignment of people’s teeth, and braces have been an ever-evolving concept that has impacted the way people view their teeth. Besides the cosmetic purposes, straightening your teeth can give you better oral health in the long run, and today’s technology has made wearing braces painless, highly advanced, and successful. However, new advancements have begun to surface, as dental supplier companies have begun experimenting with different metals to make braces more elastic, durable, and long-lasting.
Among orthodontics, stainless steel has always been the standard for metal braces due to its inexpensiveness, high production rate, and high capacity to align teeth. Metal braces have and will always be a standard for dentistry because of its high success rate. Still, today’s metal braces only require fewer components thanks to the development of CAD/CAM technology, treatment planning software, and 3D imaging. These technologies can make detailed screenings, using digital replications of a person’s mouth to fabricate the right restoration for the treatment, whether a dental implant, a bridge, or a crown. It’s a more complex series of developments for braces due to the inner working parts used for creating the device. These devices can be designed with many materials such as metal, ceramic, and plastic to alter the costs and correct the misaligned bite.
What’s important to notice about why stainless steel is used so much is its inexpensiveness to produce. However, this kind of metal often does come with some drawbacks – the wires tend to have higher stiffness, which can lead to a loss of control of movement and cause the wires to slope within the bracket interface. With these troublesome details, metals such as nickel, copper, and cobalt haven allowed dentists to improve on these aspects. Here’s what we know about these metals and how well they work with braces:
All of these metals have greatly improved dentistry, and as technology progress, our goal as dentists is to give patients more opportunities to have straighter, healthier teeth. If you would like to learn more, contact Dr. Jonathan McCartney at McCartney Dental, located in North Port, FL, for more information.
When cavities occur, one of the options that your dentist will present to you could be a dental filling. These fillings replace the tooth’s part destroyed by the cavities and work as a protective layer for your tooth once the cavity is removed and the infection cleared. However, dentists working with dental fillings have a multitude of options. With glass ionomer fillings, they offer higher flexibility, protect your teeth from further decay, and even have the special benefit of releasing fluoride overtime to rebuild the dentin and enamel.
Glass ionomer cement is a restorative material made with silicate glass powder. Its purpose is to bond directly to the tooth and create a tight-seal for cavity openings and restorations. The concept was first developed in the 1950s; researchers realized that dentistry’s future relied heavily on developing new forms of adhesive bonding, and thus, created multiple types of cement, such as composite resin and acid-etching enamel cement to restore permanent teeth to health. However, in 1969, chemist Dr. Alan Wilson and Brian Kent develop a silicate glass powder cement that contained polyacrylic acid, claiming it to be a new type of restorative material for bonding with the tooth structure.
When your dentist applies this bonding material to your tooth, the silicate fillers have fluoride-releasing properties, meaning that they’ll actively restore your tooth over time, giving the enamel and dentin the strength it needs to protect itself from harmful bacteria. The polyacrylic acid works as a strong adhesive, making the glass ionomer stick and bond to the tooth’s structure. Once researchers found that glass ionomers worked successfully, this form of dental filler became one of the biggest staples for permanent restorations. Its transparency allowed the cement to match the tooth’s shade, making it highly viable for its cosmetic improvements. Their moisture tolerance also makes it last longer in the mouth, protecting it from saliva, water, and other liquid producing foods and substances that can potentially weaken the filler.
Thanks to dentistry’s continuous development, glass ionomers have a complete wide range of uses throughout dentistry and allow dentists to have higher flexibility when treating patients. Among the wide range of fillers, these are the types available today for dental use:
Conventional Glass Ionomer – These ionomers are the base cement most commonly used, and contain the alkaline base with fluoride, which reacts with the polyacrylic acid to create the cement mixture. This form of ionomer is often used within the cavity to protect the tooth from damage.
High-Viscosity Glass Ionomer – Similar to conventional glass ionomers, high-viscosity refers to a higher resistance to deformation when mixed with water. This ionomer is thicker than its conventional type, making it applicable for creating greater bonds with the tooth.
Resin-Modified Glass Ionomer – Some dentists prefer to work with a mixture of composite resin and glass ionomer and layer the two together for a highly resistant surface. This cement helps maintain structural integrity and provide longer-lasting effects. The resin-modified glass ionomer works to remove dentists’ extra steps to apply it, creating a moisture-controlled environment that produces better aesthetic results.
To take a deeper look into the variety of dental fillers out there, and what filler will work best for your teeth, please schedule an appointment with Dr. Jonathan McCartney at McCartney Dental, located in North Port, FL, for more information.
If you’re among the nearly 30 million people around the United States that receive dental benefits from Medicaid, you may be wondering what they cover. Dental care is an important part of your medical coverage, and making use of it has been shown to help alleviate the risk of certain conditions in other parts of the body. Many patients with Medicaid may find their coverage difficult to understand, or may not be certain how to use it to receive care. All of our patients deserve the effective treatment that is available under their Medicaid plan, so we built this short guide to help them get started.
The regulations surrounding Medicaid are somewhat labyrinthine, which makes understanding them difficult for many patients. We spent some time scouring them to come up with what we felt were the most important starting points for patients who receive this kind of coverage. Below we put together this list of facts to help you get answers to the specifics about your coverage.
Legislation passed in December of 2018 added additional treatment options to patients who were over 21 years of age. These include diabetic testing at the dental office, more extraction options, silver and white fillings, regular dental cleanings including periodontal cleaning, and an introductory visit to the clinic for those who have disabilities. Further options may be available for those who are pregnant or who qualify for special conditions.
The Medicaid Dental system provides dental coverage to those most in need but can be a difficult morass to navigate. McCartney Dental works closely with its patients to ensure they have the best understanding of their dental care options under Medicaid. If you have more questions about what coverage is available and what treatment options you can receive, call for an appointment with Dr. Jonathan McCartney today. You’ll be scheduled for a regular introductory exam, including imaging, followed by a consultation of what treatment options are available to you. If you’re disabled and would like to schedule your initial visit to the dental office, simply give us a ring, and we’ll be happy to arrange it for you!
Part of having the perfect smile is about how it looks, but another part of having the perfect smile is how it smells. While this may sound weird, it makes sense when you consider that scent is the strongest human sense tied to memory. This essentially means that if you have bad breath, people are more likely to remember that over the fact that you have an amazing smile.
Bad breath is unfortunately common with the American Dental Association estimating that it affects 50% of Americans at least once in their lifetime. However, bad breath is also usually somewhat easy to treat and manage. The first step to eliminating your bad breath is to determine what is causing it to begin with. Once you know the cause, you can then take the necessary steps to improve the scent of your breath. While there are many things that can cause bad breath, here are a few of the most common culprits:
The American Dental Association recommends that you brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes at a time and floss daily. If you find yourself skipping out on brushing or flossing regularly, then your bad breath may be due to a lack of adequate oral hygiene. When you don’t brush or floss as much as you are supposed to, this can cause excess bacteria to accumulate on your teeth and tongue. It can also accumulate along the gum line and cause gum disease. Bacteria produces an odor associated with bad breath, and more bacteria means a stronger odor.
The things you eat and drink can also play a role in how your breath smells. This makes sense when you consider the fact that everything you eat or drink passes through your mouth and leaves tiny particles on your tongue and teeth. Generally speaking, foods with a strong taste or smell have the ability to temporarily alter the way your breath smells. Garlic, onions, and coffee tend to produce especially offensive odors. However, bad breath due to diet can usually be managed by brushing your teeth after meals or drinks, as well as using breath mints.
If you are a smoker, then you will need to consider the fact that smoke is regularly passing through your mouth. Cigarette smoke itself does not have a pleasant odor to most people, and this odor will remain in your breath. Additionally, smoking inhibits your body’s ability to produce enough saliva, which can make the odor worse.
When your body is unable to produce enough saliva, this is known as dry mouth. Dry mouth is problematic to your oral health because it prevents the mouth from being able to properly clean itself. This means that bacteria can accumulate easier in a person with dry mouth, which increases the potential for bad breath. If you are affected by dry mouth, the best way to manage this condition is by keeping your mouth as moist as possible by drinking frequently, chewing on gum, or sucking sugarless candies to stimulate saliva production.
Sometimes bad breath can also be due to certain medical conditions. For example, the scent of your breath may be temporarily affected if you have an infection in your nasal passages, tonsils, bronchial tubes, or upper/lower respiratory systems. In these cases, your bad breath will usually disappear once the infection has been treated. In other cases, you may experience chronic bad breath due to diabetes, kidney disease, or gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD). In these cases, the best way to treat bad breath is to first treat the condition causing it.
Did you know that according to the CDC, 47.2% of Americans over the age of 30 are affected by some form of gum disease? Part of the reason why this number is so high is because many people who have gum disease are not even aware they have it until they visit their dentist. Although gum disease does produce symptoms, these symptoms are not always noticed right away, which means that gum disease is likely to progress before it is diagnosed.
There are two different forms of gum disease: gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is the mild form of the disease that many people are unaware they have. It can produce mild symptoms like the beginnings of gum recession, red gums, and gums that bleed easily. Periodontitist is the advanced form of gum disease and is usually the stage where most cases are diagnosed. With periodontitis, the symptoms can become more disruptive causing pain, tenderness, and even tooth sensitivity from exposed tooth roots.
Just as your dentist is dedicated to preventing cavities from forming in your teeth, they are also dedicated to preventing gum disease. Luckily, there are things that you can do to improve your gum health and decrease the risk of developing gum disease. These things include:
Brushing twice a day for two minutes at a time is not only beneficial to prevent cavities from forming, but it can also help to reduce the chances of developing gum disease. This is because brushing your teeth helps to remove excess plaque from the surface and along the gum line. Plaque houses thousands of bacteria responsible for both tooth decay and gum disease, so removing it is an important preventative step.
However, brushing your teeth does not always remove plaque from hard to reach places in your mouth. This is where flossing comes in. Flossing daily, preferably at night just before you brush your teeth and go to bed, helps to remove plaque and food debris from between your teeth and just below the gum line. This prevents plaque from accumulating along the gums and forming pockets of bacteria. However, to prevent irritating your gums it is important to only floss once a day.
In addition to brushing and flossing, another thing you can do is to use mouthwash after meals. There are several over the counter mouthwashes that are designed to decrease the risk of gum disease by eliminating plaque and preventing it from accumulating. However, it is important to note that mouthwash should never be used as a replacement for brushing or flossing. Instead, it is meant to be used as an additional hygiene method.
In addition to proper daily oral hygiene, you will also want to be sure that you visit your dentist every six months for a dental cleaning. In some cases, they may recommend coming in more frequently. Dental cleanings are important because they remove plaque and hardened plaque (tartar) from the surface of your teeth and along the gum line. Tartar can only be removed during a dental cleaning since it is too hard to be removed with a toothbrush.
There are several reasons why you should quit smoking, however one reason is because smoking dramatically increases your risk of developing gum disease. It also makes it harder for your gums to heal, which means gum disease is likely to advance quickly.
When having a dental restoration placed, the type of restoration will affect how many appointments are needed. You see, there are two types of dental restorations: direct and indirect. Direct restorations are those that can be completed “directly” in the mouth and will usually only require a single appointment. An example of a direct restoration are composite fillings. Conversely, indirect restorations are those that require the additional step of needing to be fabricated by a dental lab. Because of this extra step, indirect restorations generally take two appointments.
Indirect restorations include crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, and veneers. When one of these restorations is being placed, the first appointment is used to prepare the tooth by removing damaged or decayed tissue and then reshaping the remaining enamel. To provide the dental lab with the necessary information to fabricate the restoration, a dental impression or oral scan is then taken. The final step is to place a temporary restoration.
A temporary restoration is worn for the time frame between your first and second appointments. It will then be removed during your second appointment so that the permanent restoration can be placed. Temporary restorations are essential for various reasons, including:
Once your tooth has been prepared for a dental restoration, it will be a different size and/or shape. When there is suddenly space in the mouth, the surrounding teeth change their position slightly to fill in this space. However, if this happens then the permanent restoration may no longer fit. This is especially important when replacing a missing tooth with a dental bridge. Thus, a temporary restoration can be used as a placeholder to guarantee there is enough space for the permanent restoration.
Part of preparing your tooth for a dental restoration involves removing decayed tissue, as well as some healthy tissue in order to shape the tooth to fit a restoration. Because of this, you may have areas where the enamel is very thin or where the dentin is exposed. Both thin enamel and exposed dentin are associated with tooth sensitivity, but they can also allow bacteria to enter the tooth and cause a pulp infection. Therefore, a temporary restoration is also used as a protective barrier to the natural tooth structure.
Placing a temporary restoration also helps to preserve the way that the gums fit around the tooth. Although you wouldn’t normally think of this being important, preserving the way the gums contour around the tooth gives the permanent restoration a natural appearance. Without a temporary, the gum position can change and make the final restoration stand out more.
The two main functions of your teeth are eating and speaking. However, when one or more teeth are altered for a dental restoration, these two functions can be negatively affected. For starters, chewing becomes more difficult and so can speaking properly, especially if you have multiple teeth that have been altered. Using a temporary restoration maintains the same type of function until the permanent restoration can be placed.
One final reason for placing a temporary restoration is that it offers you a preview of the final results. By wearing the temporary restoration, you can get accustomed to the look, feel, and fit of your new restoration before the permanent restoration is placed. Keep in mind, however, that your permanent restoration will be made from high quality materials and will be more durable than your temporary.